Graphic Design USA’s Packaging Design Award Goes to San Luis Obispo Graphic Design Firm, Studio 101 West!

Studio 101 West is excited to announce that we have won another GDUSA (Graphic Design USA) American Packaging Design Award for Danican’s EverRest brand Silver Contour Pillows’ package. Chosen from the top 10 percent of submissions, the competition was fierce. This annual, national packaging design competition is a coveted, prestigious award and we couldn’t be more proud.
“We saw more than 2,200 entries; only the top 10 percent – including you [Studio 101 West]! – were selected as a winner.”
GDUSA – Package design Awards department
Packaging Design
As seen on our website, we are capable of many forms of graphic design. Even so, packaging design is particularly unique – and one of our favorites. It requires us to solve multiple challenges in one container. Further more, we must consider size, shape, color, closure, materials, shelf display, consumer likability (over the product sitting next to it), as well as being cross-cultural. Seen in the US and other countries, our packaging must translate across cultures – even if the wording is all in English.

Structure of the Packaging
Working closely with the client and the packaging printer, creating the die-line (the outer cut lines and folding positions) is the first step. This means we need to nail down exactly how the size and shape will fit together, fold, glue, and close. Shelf position and product visibility are high considerations at this point. Moreover, we want our products to grab the attention of the consumer in the small window of time that we are fighting for.

Visual Impact of the Packaging
Color, typography, and communicating the product features are all extremely important to packaging design. With the structure set, we can begin designing the look and feel of the package. Undoubtedly color theory and typography design are biggies on packaging design. They can make or break our client’s return on investment. Color psychology plays a significant role in catching the attention of the consumer. Our goal is always to get the consumer to purchase and use the product — color scheme, design, fonts, illustrations, and photography really do play a tremendous role here.
Problem Solving in Graphic Design
In all of graphic design we work to solve problems with design solutions for our clients. With packaging design the quest for solutions goes deeper. Solving a one-dimensional problem with a three-dimensional solution is super gratifying. Of course, winning an award among our colleagues is very satisfying, but nothing beats the sales-off-the-shelf that we hear about from our satisfied clients!
Studio 101 West Marketing & Design also won GDUSA American Packaging Design Awards in 2014 and 2016.

Graphic Design Around the World
Headquartered in Denmark, our client, Danican also has a U.S. office in Atascadero, California. They are a wholesale, private label designer and manufacturer of memory foam mattresses, mattress toppers, pillows, and bedding linens that span the globe. Studio 101 West designs and produces their packaging, print advertising and textile branding, as well as their website design and development.